We are a ministry about restoration.  We want to see bruised sheep healed.  We want to see the end of the one man show that is in the organized religious system in the world.  We want to see the functioning of the five-fold ministry Yeshua gave to all of us, so we would become all that we are supposed to be in unity for Messiah.  There is a perfecting process going on in the bride of Messiah.  Intimacy with Him in Spirit and Truth is of the most importance.  We gather on every Erev Shabbat Friday evening at 7:00 pm to break bread and praise and worship God and on Saturday morning at our house for morning Shabbat and Torah study beginning at 10:00 am.  Then we break to eat, then have either a study or video presentation.  Contact us if you would like to come to any of these meetings.  Our email is kolharuach@gmail.com 


It was and is Elohim's (God's) desire that Jew and Gentile who believe in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah be joined together as One New Man as was written in Ephesians 2.  Yeshua said to the woman of Shom'ron (Samaritan) at the well in Yochanan (gospel of John) that our Abba (Father) is only pleased with those who worship in the Ruach (Spirit) and Truth (Torah).  When we study, we meet with our Elohim to know and understand Him (Jeremiah 9:23,24).  Our desire is to see the hidden treasure of the Word of Elohim, which is Yeshua.

After Yeshua's resurrection and lasting for only a few hundred years. The Jews and Gentiles of the faith loved one-another and took care of one-another according to the words that Rav "Rabbi" Sha'ul (Paul) and others spoke in their letters in the Brit Cha-dashah (NT). The power of Elohim was manifested in the gifts He gave to all when Yeshua ascended into heaven to be with Abba. (Ephesians 4:7-16)  They broke bread together going from house to house and had all things in common, studying the Torah and praying.  They led many to come to the knowledge of the Truth and faith in Yeshua.

Many have tried to stop this, mainly led by Satan and a lack of understanding of and forsaking of the Hebrew scriptures.  Around 320 CE, an evil Roman emperor named Constantine gathered together many leaders from the kehilah (church body) in the council of Nicea.  It was there that laws were made to control the believers, enacted man-made pagan and demonic laws.  They quenched the Spirit.  They literally quenched the Spirit of Elohim.  This is when Christianity began to take off.  I am not against Christians, but I am against most, if not all of their doctrines, that are, for the most part, anti-Israel, anti-messiah (antichrist), and anti-semitic.  None of these doctrines came from Elohim.  They exchanged all the Torah (festivals, other appointments with Elohim, Shabbats, New Moons, Kosher laws, proclaiming of His Name) for pagan celebrations to deities and other lies to compromise the faith.  This may have ended persecution of the believers, but the price was a compromise with pagans that denied Yeshua (Word of Torah) and Yehovah (Abba) Himself.  This created another persecution of those who did not want to compromise.  We were supposed to be worshipping Yeshua and following His teachings (Torah).  There have been people throughout history working to see the teachings of Yeshua restored.  It is time to restore the ancient paths to walk on.

We are about to enter a latter reign revival and in that revival we will see all that was removed become restored.  It will be a move for our part as a people like Eliyahu (Elijah).  Remember there was a Jewish religious man-made system against Yeshua in the early reign revival.  Well, this time the religious system fighting against the latter reign revival will also be a religious system.  It will be the one started by emperor Constantine and the council of Nicea in league with the new world order. Those who want Truth, will break free of the lies of the past to worship in Spirit and in Truth.  This will bring about persecution again.  Even though that will happen, the revival will be the greatest the world has ever seen.  It will start with Yisrael and spread out to the rest of the world.  At that point, Yeshua's prayer in John 17 that we should all be ONE will be fulfilled.  The problem really is with those who love to point the finger in ignorance instead of looking in the mirror themselves (Ya'acov "James" chapter one calls the mirror, the Torah of liberty).  The Torah shows us Yeshua and how much we fall short every day.  Not that it is just that we fail in the flesh, it is also about how we need to line up with His holiness and character.  When we believe, we are saved by faith in believing in Yeshua's name, and Yehovah gives us the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit “which is also His implanted Torah-Word”).  The Ruach was sent to lead us to the Truth.  Many just want to say I am led by the Spirit and they know little of the Holy Spirit inside of them.  The Holy Spirit was given to us to lead us back into the holy Torah and all the commandments to know the Yehovah (Father) and Yeshua. 

Much of the so-called church has forsaken Torah and His commandments and are now actually in opposition to Yehovah, Yeshua, and even the Ruach HaKodesh by this.  Many in the church who willfully and knowingly do this, will have to give an account for this.  This will primarily fall on the false shepherds and there are alot of them. (Ezekiel 34)  We are only held accountable for what we know.  Yeshua’s blood covers our unknown sins and the ones we confess to Him and each other.  I have met many believers who don’t care for the ways of Torah and think it is alright.  Because they met me or someone like me, they will have to give an answer to Yehovah for not being teachable or choosing to refuse the Truth.  That doesn’t mean they won’t be saved, it just means they have chosen to be ignorant and will be at the lowest place in the Messianic Kingdom, if they get there, and won’t know Yeshua very well. (Jer. 9:23,24; Matthew 5:17-20)  There is also a group of people out there who love Torah and don’t love intimacy with Yehovah and the understanding of Chesed (love and compassion) of Elohim and believing in Yeshua.  They too have little understanding of the fulness of the very Torah they love.  In fact, they can’t truly see Torah without the intimate worship and adoration to Yehovah, Yeshua, Ruach HaKodesh, and respect for His Bride (those who have faith in Yeshua and keep the commandments). (1st Corint. 13; 2nd Corint. 3:1-18)
Directions to our house is as follows: 
First, it is I-10 to Redd Rd. exit, Make a left onto Redd Rd.  Follow it down accross I-10 all the way to Doniphan.  Make a left onto Doniphan.  Stay in right-hand lane. The next light is Mulberry Ave., make a right onto Mulberry Ave.  Our house is in the first culdesack on Mulberry Ave. on right side.  It has the biggest yard.  Address is:  191 B Mulberry Ave

Good Links about these things:

1. Excellent Video Teachings from Yah-Tube - http://yah-tube.com/videos/index.html
2. Jewish Study - http://www.aish.com/
3. Hebraic Roots - http://www.hebrew4christians.com/
4. Many Sacred Texts for those who like to study - http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/index.htm
5. Ancient Hebrew Study - http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/
6. The Temple Institute - http://www.templeinstitute.org/main.htm
7. Truth - Don't Be Deceived - http://www.toolong.com/                                                      
8. What is really going on, USA and world against Yisrael - http://www.johnmcternan.name/
9. News from Yisrael - http://www.jewishtvnetwork.com/                                                   
10. Truth about Palestinian problem - http://www.pierrerehov.com/